About Us

        We are a group of kids and teens who enjoy making industry standard movies and films. All of our films and projects are made with creativity and imagination from all of our members so we can ensure that everything that comes out gives an impression.
        We are here to show everyone that no-matter how young you may be, in whatever condition; everyone can create something amazing. Our budget for each film is always below $500, and all scenes are filmed in or around our home town in Camarillo, CA.
        We hope that you will stay tuned for what we have coming. You might be surprised to see what we can do!

The People Behind the Films

Seth D. Greer
Director & Writer

Seth Greer is the creative writer on our team. He always comes up with the best and most exciting ideas for our scripts. Seth makes sure that whatever he's making is the best it can be.

Noah J. Greer
Director & Writer

Noah Greer manages and runs the business, making sure that everything flows smoothly. He also enjoys adding his touch of mystery and complexity into the stories.

We know we can't be perfect, but we always strive for the best we can do.


We are a film studio of kids and teens producing high level films to show the world that age is just a number.

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